About the project
The aim of the ARCHIMEDES® project is to build a global network of sustainable year-round schools/classrooms focusing on environmental and sustainability issues, interconnected through a web-based platform.
Pupils learn the full spectrum of subjects in an experiential way - online experts from various fields and places around the world enter the classroom and guide the pupils directly from the subject area, describing the topic in an interactive way.
Thanks to the portal, the classroom also offers co-teaching or sharing of lessons and lectures to all classrooms.
The project partners use the platform to assign project tasks to students, which require the cooperation of schools from different countries. The results of the projects are then put into practice with the help of the partners.
Students have hands-on encounters with personalities from different fields and visit production plants, interesting historical sites, places affected by climate change, important companies or nature reserves online.
Within the platform, through online connections, they get to know the cultures and daily lives of their classmates of the same age from all over the world and use these experiences to debate the SDGs.
We are constantly establishing new partnerships and collaborations - if you are interested in joining our project, please contact us!